About Us

Who We Are

Hope Endeavors is a 501c3 non-profit organization whose purpose is to bring HOPE to orphaned and vulnerable children suffering in extreme poverty through hope-giving partnerships and projects.

What We Do

We believe the best way to address the daunting hopelessness in our world is by joining our hearts and hands with indigenous partners in the developing world who are already compassionately working to help overcome extreme poverty. We work with our partners to provide Children’s Homes that become the center of compassionate and empowered communities to bring HOPE to dark places.

Our Values

Biblically Based Principles
God’s love is the central driving force in our efforts to bring hope; therefore we will walk in love.

We desire to reflect God’s broken heart for people with our actions.

Justice, Mercy and Humility
We believe in living out the biblical mandate to share God’s love by addressing social injustices by being merciful and humble servants.

We endeavor to have our efforts be of lasting significance by working hand-in hand with nationals to be active and ongoing partners in ministry. We will be faithful stewards by multiplying our efforts through linking our resources in partnership relationships.

Our Founders

Michael and Denise Vrooman
Mike and Denise lived in the Philippines for over 20 years, caring for street children and planting churches. They now live in Michigan sharing their experiences of hope and compassion through Hope Endeavors as trainers, speakers and trip leaders. Mike and Denise have 3 children and 11 foster children.

Dr. Rod and Darcy McLane
Rod and Darcy have led numerous trips abroad to share God’s love. Rod and Darcy’s passion is to train and equip people to share God’s love and compassion through Hope Endeavor’s. Darcy serves as Executive Director and oversees HOPE Village. Rod, Darcy and their three children live in Michigan.

Our Strategy

We believe that the best way to address such daunting hopelessness is through partnership. Our strategy is to align ourselves with nationals who are already doing the work but are in need of resources and encouragement.

We build partnerships between individuals or organizations and in-country ministries. This partnership offers support and encouragement to the in-country ministries and provides opportunities for the individual or organization to experience first-hand the desperate needs that are present in the world. We do this primarily through Vision and Outreach mission trips.

We partner with local churches to complement the churches development, implementation and execution of effective missions strategies that not only address the immediate spiritual and physical need but focuses on breaking the cycle of hopelessness by creating long term partnerships.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to inspire H.O.P.E by Helping Orphans, Prospering Everyone.

We do this by:

  • Conducting seminars and providing resources that inspire and motivate participation.
  • Connecting individuals, churches and community groups with opportunities to partner and meet specific needs.
  • Providing education, training and administration to prepare groups to participate in Vision and Outreach Trips.
  • Leading Vision and Outreach trips focused on bringing hope and changing lives— Their Life, Your Life, Our Lives.